Netherlands biggest interest in Scrum worldwide
How interested are people in Scrum? Is it´s popularity growing or declining? What about the interest in Agile or DevOps? A few days ago I stumbled upon the website from google, called https://trends.google.com, which tells you what people search for on the Internet...
Core Scrum CHECKLIST – Doing real scrum?
The core scrum checklist is an easy way to find out, whether you are really doing scrum. When I started in my new team we had all the scrum events in place – sprint planning, daily standup, demo session, retrospective meeting. But it turned out we were still...
How to choose a reference task
A reference task is a certain task, which has a fixed amount of story points assigned, and which is used as a reference point to estimate other tasks. But how do you choose such a reference task? This post should give you a method and some ideas, how you can find a...