Traditional vs empirical process
What are the differences when you implement a project using the traditional approach vs an empirical way of working? During a scrum workshop, which I attended recently, this question has been answered in a very descriptive and visualized way, which I want to share...
Agile Product ownership in a nutshell
How would you explain to your grandmother what an agile team is and how it works? For that I found a very nice video, which explains all the different artefacts, roles and concepts of how an agile teams works. The video has been published by Henrik Kniberg, an agile...
Start-Stop-Continue Retrospective
Reading Time: 4 minutes Is your team bored with the way you do your retrospective meeting? Is it always the same after every sprint? Then why don´t you try something new? I recently found a nice article from Mike Cohn about a format of sprint retrospectives, which I...
How to choose a reference task
A reference task is a certain task, which has a fixed amount of story points assigned, and which is used as a reference point to estimate other tasks. But how do you choose such a reference task? This post should give you a method and some ideas, how you can find a...