Scrum Retrospective 1 – Setting The Stage
This is the first post of my blog post series about the five phases of a Scrum Retrospective. I will cover the most crucial ideas for Phase 1 — Setting the stage. These five phases are presented in the book Agile Retrospectives – Making Good Teams Great by...
4 Types Of Code Reviews Any Developer Should Know
Every professional software developer knows that a code review should be part of any serious development process. But what most developers don´t know is that there are many different types of code reviews. And each type has specific benefits and downsides depending on...
Scrum of Scrums
The Scrum of Scrums is a meeting on inter-team level with the purpose to surface dependencies between teams and align their collaboration. In this article I would like to give you insights on how we implemented Scrum of Scrums at LeaseWeb. I am going to show you a...
Netherlands biggest interest in Scrum worldwide
How interested are people in Scrum? Is it´s popularity growing or declining? What about the interest in Agile or DevOps? A few days ago I stumbled upon the website from google, called https://trends.google.com, which tells you what people search for on the Internet...