The power of habit – executing tasks automatically
A habit is something that you do often and regularly, sometimes without even knowing that you are doing it. The great thing about habits is that you can train yourself to make yourself execute certain tasks regularly without even thinking. Everyone of us has millions...
Will Power – Discipline can be trained
Will power, or you can also call it discipline, is the ability to control yourself. The interesting thing about will power is that it behaves like a muscle: it needs time to recover after you strained it, but you can train it to get more strength. On the one hand side...
Nexus – the scaling Scrum framework
Nexus is a framework, which builds on top of the scrum framework and is designed for scaling. It focuses on solving cross-team dependencies and integration issues. What is Nexus? The Nexus framework has been created by Ken Schwaber, co-creator of the Scrum framework....
Scrum values – new section in scrum guide
The scrum guide, the official description of the scrum working methodology, has been recently extended with a new section: the scrum values. Before we dive deeper in what the scrum values are about and what they mean, I want to give you a quick overview on the history...